Thursday 11 July 2013


And at about 11 o'clock tonight I went out into the hall and it still has an open door to the garden on it and at 11 o'clock it felt cool there. Cool.

Talented Visitor

Then later a "finished my GCSE" Freya came down to see me and was playing my electric guitar, the first time she has played at all in about 4 months and I was a bit jealous at how talented she is


And me and Paul had a bit of a look in the vegTrug today and pulled up some excellent radishes. There were a few left and we took them indoors and made fresh, organic food with our lunch

Sara physio

So Sara came round all over lunch hour and talked about coughing, showed us loadsa techniques etc, and talked about the after effects of the drug on my arm too

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone
And she wants to meet me outside gym next Friday and come along and see how hard they work me in my new Friday class