Monday 22 April 2013


And Denyse emailed my tonight and said "I have spoken to your Doctor and they have agreed to send you for a videofluroscopy to find out why you are choking etc". Like the Dr responded to my letter last week and said "Nah, can't afford that" so g*d nose.....


So I have had a number of hours with Naughty Nick my temp MOS from England. He has been OK, not knowing but learning quickly. He even tied my laces properly s'afternoon


Then we nipped to Aardvark to buy what I should have bought last Friday but I was away to Ixion SoS instead


And then today Nick my temporary MOS has gotta take me to gym in a bit
And it went OK, I was a couple of minutes late and then Sam was talking to a newbie by me for ages, so I perhaps didn't do as much as usual but it was OK 


And after they said he would phone he showed up without phoning but he replaced the small wheels on the front of my 'chair