Thursday 18 July 2013


So I was sitting outside while Gareth pottered at the plants then I started thinking.... then I woke up while Gareth shook my arm and said "You OK?".
Dunno, I had passed out again

Aussie Cricket

So I am listening to the cricket test match on Radio 5 live sport and now the Australians have started bowling England and so far it is 26 for 3
Lordy we are supposed to win
289 for 7 at the end of play today so we came back very strongly after such an awful start

Lie in

Now I have learned how to switch off ny alarm clock when I don't NEED to wake up, so I switched it off last night and I didn't get up until an hour after my alarm clock was due.    

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

First time in years

Now I am being careful to keep my fluids up etc. Last night I went to bed lateish and I didn't wake up for a pee until it was getting up time s'morning

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

Scary Creature

Aargh, I had to call TT out of bed a few minutes ago because there was an enormous creature flying about the living room, getting freaked out that he couldn't find a way back out. I think it was a bat, he had to attack it with a towel to make it be still for a minute in which time he put it out