Monday 4 May 2015

Nipped Out

Then 'bout dinner time we headed down to Farm Foods and bought some more oven chips and a few Cream Egg lollies


So in a few days we hopefully have the "switch on the uber-broadband" and the next day I am scheduled to get a new mobile phone
Dunno, I might keep this one, and pay a lot less as it is paid for. Just paranoid about being able to get everything that I use this phone for on my new phone


So we (me and SP) headed to gym today. I said "No swimming, it's half term" but when we got there the pool looked empty but 4 under 8yo kids had passed us as I walked in so it might have been busy in 10 minutes. So I did 20 minutes on the bike and then 10 minutes on the rowing machine. SmallPaul was just astonished at how much better I am generally
It is frankly astonishing being able to use the rowing machine tho, I just couldn't a while ago

Actually Reading

So I have bought another book for my Kindle and, this is the third or fourth I have got in the last week or so and the difference is this one is actually readable, I am enjoying it. The previous ones lasted 5 or 6 pages before closing them, this one is excellent