Saturday 17 July 2010


And I went down to the walkable bit outside, stood up and walked off with my stick in my right hand not touching the ground. I only went about 10 m but I turned around, still with no stick, and walked back to my chair stickless. It was the first time I was doing it outside


So tonight I am making a pizza for dinner, in the kitchen I took out a big bit of cheese and went to the cupboard for my complex grating machine. I looked into the cupboard and took out a plain grater instead. I was a bit scared but it proved well possible to use. So obviously summat is better than before and the washing up pile is a lot smaller


This morning because I am going into town I am in my wheelchair but also, I think, now if I am walking Wednesday and Friday then I'd better give my legs a chance to recover so Thursday and Saturday are now wheelchair all day days, as I need to reciover/rest afterwards etc


Well, it's Saturday morning so in a bit I will book a Taxi to go to Waverley Stores to buy some organic veg etc