Monday 4 March 2013


And with tonight's dinner we had potatoes which you set in an oven dish then bake. So when I took them out of the oven I set it on a wet t towel (as recommended by a shop assistant last week) and it didn't slide about, sat still while I got stuck into the bits of spud with a lifter

Small Hand Towels

And while I was at gym today "someone" delivered my 2 new small towels to fit on my hangars. I expected them to txt me but they just stuck them in the outside of the letter box. I assume they forged my sig but it was good of them and I think it is posh enuf here to be able to do that


And then s'morning me and Timmy went to gym, I did loads, I couldn't even speak for a few minutes afterwards as I was so knackered.
Walking everywhere in't gym, and remembering to bend my right knee when it's about to go down etc, so it doesn't hurt as much


And before gym today we nipped to the drapers, then had to go to the second one in Carmarthen which did sell fitted sheets that are long enough to go over my matress, normal ones are 5-6 inches long whereas my matress is 8 inches thick
So sheets are a bit pricey but it fits


Well s'morning b4 I had my breakfast I had a shave.
And for the first time in ages I didn't cut myself, not even one little bit