Thursday 28 October 2010


And a handsome young chap called Toby just phoned me, from his Mums house. He is back staying there for now!!! It seems to be going OK and he asked me if he can come and see me tomorrow.

Carrying It With My Right Arm

Good lord, that was scary. Loadsa new stuff, carrying summat in my right hand while walking on an uneven surface etc. But I managed!!!


I had a delivery (well, the postman brought it) some sweets this morning. It contained amongst other stuff some Drum Sticks. Which are delicious but as I was exploring on that Interweb as I am bored they contain gelatin. So those of us holier than though veggies should send 'em back or throw 'em away. I used to eat them in the past before I had so much time on my hands so perhaps now I know not to buy any more

Up and At 'Em

Well I got up and walked past my 'chair into the kitchen. I will hopefully continue walking until 6PM tonight when the taxi is coming to take me to Iechyd Da