Monday 9 January 2012


And I was just about to go to bed tonight when I realised that "he" had done next months timetable so I had to write that all in, making a note of any queries before snooze


So we went to Headway meeting and it was as useless as usual, but as I said I want to climb and abseiling with them I'd better not leave too soon.

Then afterwards me and Paul went to the Stag and Pheasant pub which was noisy with people watching football, there I had a pint of bitter then was looking at all the shorts I couldn't decide so I asked "her"(*) for some advice and she suggested a Jagermeister which was wow and lovely but I drank it in about 15 seconds

(*) Who works across the road for Leonard Cheshire too


So this afternoon Roger Weddell came down to talk to me again, he is some kind of psychobabbler that got in touch with me at Headway so I answered his loadsa questions and pocketed his cheque(1) for answering

(1) How old fashioned!!


And after me and Ed had gone shopping that Toby chap came around to return the 3 books he borrowed last week and borrow a few more as he had finished them. He seemed cheerful and cool and went off after about an hour
And I think I might have to introduce him to the library as he needs free books etc

Wiv Ed

So Ed came round s'morning when I was still eating my breakfast as I had been on't phone to Lloyds TSB first to sort out my debit card but all is well now