Tuesday 13 December 2016


Then after lunch we headed down past Swansea to see Sara the physio. Now first of all we had brought back the brace thing that I wear at night, talked about it and decided I was to keep it for now, with my staff instructed to tighten one of the straps after I put it on every night. Then I did loadsa stepping backwards and forwards and some work stepping with my right foor raised slightly on a cushion to see how well it is connecting.
Then at the end I walked the whole length of her lab and back without my walking stick and without holding onto anything with my hands, just walking like a proper person

Use Another Programme

So yesterday I was having trouble making the timer on my phone make noise to wake me up after nap when my phone is set to silent to avoid the phone ringing and "waking me up". I asked MM again what he had done last week, he said "Erm....." so we gave up. S'morning I looked online and downloaded to my phone an "Online timer (mobile version)" which lets ne switch my phone off a d still goes "Beep beep beep" after 40 minutes

Different Metabolism

So s'morning MM woke up, went for a pooh and then came out for brekky. Apparently it is traditional with him. Wheras my metabolism is different, I woke up, as traditional got up, went for breakfast and then went to the loo for my daily pooh