Thursday 26 January 2017


Then I went to gym and did the two minutes at normal speed and 30 secs 3 times as fast for 20 minutes on the pedal machine


Then we popped into town, went to Caffi Iechyd Da to collect the organic delivery then on to Morrison's (noisy link) to do the rest of my weeks shopping
As we were leaving Iechyd Da someone shouted "See you later" as that's where we are heading tonight......
And a good time was had, loadsa photos taken but they won't be done 'til tomorrow as I am fscking knackered ATM

Winter's Day

So I have just been outside to get the bin back after the emptiers emptied it and I must say, it's feckin' freezing, a well wintry day
So I had better get an extra layer of coat in order to nip out s'morning shopping for food