Wednesday 30 September 2015


Then we went swimming again, I still can't do breaststroke under GGtGGs instruction but we did all exercises and 4 lengths on my back etc

New Monitor

So I was expecting a second hand monitor for the bedroom PC s'morning. Waiting and waiting, I thought "In 20 minutes we have gotta go swimming. Hope he arrives while we are still here to accept a big parcel" Then in 5 minutes he arrived, with nothing for me today. I thought "Tomorrow then" and then in another 5 minutes a new PO van pulled up outside the house and unloaded my new monitor. I unpacked it, said "Looks good" etc then we went swimming. Afterwards we were able, no I wasn't able to, I watched GGTGG plug it in etc and it works. Properly etc, I am a bit pleased


And I have just phoned up and booked (I have got a Hynt card now, so my carer goes for free) to see The Rocky Horror Show (noisy link) in Cardiff in IIRC February next year
"The river was deep but I swam it, Janet....."


Paraplegic man walks again with help from electrodes
(noisy link)