Monday 31 August 2015

Further Concentration

It was only for an hour tonight but I was able to concentrate on the whole Wallace & Gromett again tonight


And for dinner tonight I cooked boiled new potatoes with stuff, they were ready at the same time as everything else and a bit delicious

Hedge Trimmers

So we headed into B&Q s'afternoon and I bought some hedge cutters, a plug in variety. As GGtGG had to bring his in to cut my hedge last time I thought I had better get some to keep here

Carmarthen Before Lunch

So we headed into town and had a bimble about. I was surprised at how many folk were eating in restaurants and just bimbling about - it's a bank holiday

On TV Today

So watching Wallace and Gromit in The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit and it is unusual but very good/funny
(New link BTW)
And more to the point I was able to concentrate and watch it for the whole hour and a quarter it lasted!!

Snank Boliday

A busy day in Sir Gaerfyrddin