Thursday 22 May 2014


And Denyse told me today that she will come down next Wednesday instead of the week after and nip over, have a look at No 52 then come and talk to me about it and other stuff

Down and Up

Then Sara came over, had a chat for half an hour, a cuppa, then took me down to the floor and getting myself back up. Many times. But I could do it. It was a bit of a struggle, my knees haven't been crawling for 12 years but I did it, got down to the floor and got myself back up
We had a big chat about my strengths and weaknesses too, it was good to see her. And a bit mind boggling to get down to the floor and back up

Across The Road

And at 1 o'clock today we are walking across the road and behind that house to look the next next door house which has just gone on the market
Yes, I want to move, it is big enough, it has a conservatory, it has a patio and a garden, 2 bathrooms, internet access indoors and in the garage etc

No Sitting

And I was able to walk from the moment I got up again s'morning...

Car Dealers

And we are going off to see the dealer about my new car s'morning....
So again we went with no wheelchair. When we were in there one of the MOS said that last time I was there I couldn't walk at all.
They also said "What's he called now?" and there is a bit of hassle because some departments think I am called one thing and some another, but I think it is sortable


And I dreamt last night that the kitchen sink had broken and the landlord was gonna have to come and fix it
This morning when I got up everything was fine