Tuesday 10 September 2013

More just my 2 feet

And I was coming out of the bathroom again tonight, I didn't meet anyone in the corridor, but today I tucked my 'stick under my arm and walked the length of the hall and across the living room to my chair, on JUST my own two feet

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone


So we headed out s'afternoon and looked for an ice cream. 4 places we looked in, at last we found an accessible café which sold some


And I had to wear my smaller lighter boots to gym and what a difference it is putting my big boots on again, big difference

Impressed Sam - no chance

So I went to gym without the Bioness device on, for the first time and wow what an improvement

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone


And we will go off in a bit and try to impress Sam with how much I am walking today (and possibly....)