Friday, 17 February 2012


And I am still gripped with my Kindle. In the past I used to like reading books, after my accident my right eye and right arm didn't work so it was too hard to read books for 8½ years, then I bought a Kindle and I am currently half way through the third Harry Potter book I have managed and I am loving it


Then after we took Toby we just made it to Waverley, got the shopping. And as it was about 4.40 when we arrived I said "What time do you close?" expecting them to say "5" but the truth was 5.30 so we weren't that late


We were half way to Toby's house planning to take him to Kidwelly when he txted me and said "No need" so we nipped to the shop as we were out anyway
Then he txted us back and said "Are you still free", we took him later


So Tim came round this morning. First of all we visited Carmarthen Museum which wasn't that exciting, but perhaps just for me
Then we went for an explore around Cwrt Henri where we lived years ago, when there were only 4 of us in the family, just to see it again. But the house that we had to leave because it was sold looks empty now
Then after lunch we nipped to Morrisons and bought more salad (and Sloe Gin) because I wanted it