Monday 4 January 2016

Oops, shop

Then s'afternoon I looked at the veg I am cooking with and decided there wasn't enough. So we nipped to Morrison's and bought some broccoli and half a red cabbage to add. Wow but red cabbages have loads of content, I had to get a bigger saucepan out to transfer it to
Right, as it started to cook down it was looking like I had put too much water in after all. So I enquired off Timmy "What will thicken this?", he said "You haven't got any cornflour" (looking in t'cupboard) then suddenly he said "Lentils". D'uh, why hadn't I thought of that
AARGH, and I forgot to pick up a na'an bread for Friday......


So then later I thought I would just make a cuppa coffee for lunch as my mouth felt weird. Then I thought "Eat yoghurt, that's soft" but actually had some yoghurt and 2 bananas for lunch, before drinking my coffee


And Timmy phoned the dentist at about a quarter to nine and said "Neil..." and they said "Come in at 11.30" so...
Fark. So we went along, she prodded, said "That tooth is dead, not connected, want me to take it out otherwise you will get loads of infections?" so I thought for a minute then said yes. So she gave me loadsa jabs then waited for a minute then got stuck in. First of all she got some "pliers" then went to attach them, thought "No need" and just attacked my tooth with a screwdriver type device. She got in, attached it then instantly handed me the tooth, no struggling and pulling, it wasn't attached. Then put a rolled up bit of cloth on and said "Goodbye"
But again I did this trip without wheelchair. Timmy drove there, got out of car, walked down the stairs outside then to the door, reversed route on way out. Up/down the stairs, not around the longer stairless route for wheelchairs and those of us who can't use the stairs
Right, I have had my bath and my nap now and the anti-hurting stuff has worn off and it does hurt now. But only some, not enough for a "Parrot to eat anything" etc