Monday 31 July 2017


And I still have a massive bruise from where I had the blood tests last week


Then after nap me and GGtGG headed into town for a walk. When we got there we parked at the end of Blue St/Lammas St, from there we walked along, crossed St Catherines St, up past Debenhams to the top of St Catherines Walk, back down as far as M&S then across to John St, up Jacksons Lane, past Iechyd Da to King St. Along there to the end then back and down past the old Guild Hall back to the car.
It doesn't sound very far but we were walking for more than an hour. But I can walk now, no rest involved

Cycling @ Gym

So we hummed and hawed then in the end we came to gym to exercise instead of swimmimg and when we came in the pool is *full* of kids, there is no way we could have got in with them all. And it is fairy nuff as I have to go see one of the beautiful physios tomorrow instead of gymming
Half way there, 5km to go
And I did it, all 10km of it in, IIRC, just under 50 minutes
But there is a new thing, for the past week or two I have just cycled the 10km without having to stop for a rest, just get on and go kind of thing