Friday 8 June 2018

At Last

And I eventually found out again how to do a mobile phone version of a webpage which is subtly different to a desktop version


Then we had to pop to Tesco's tonight to fetch some more printer ink and white board markers for the staff. GGtGG took the staff card with him and purchased it


So tonight I have not only made different pizzas than I have made before ('cos the shop didn't have one of the key ingredients yesterday) but I also cooked the rest of the weeks food which I was due to do tomorrow but we will be out at Headway Swansea all day
And I did both tasks at the same time


And off to gym in a bit for my weekly class. But Sam isn't gonna be there, the class will be taken by the very beautiful and too young for me to letch at woman
(Who is over 16 so letching is OK but.......)
Well that went OK. It makes my head want to explode when faced with how much better I am week after week after week