Wednesday 25 August 2010

Still pointless

Luckily my parents went off pretty early then I could write up my BLOG etc but nowt now (weep)


So my parents came over to help me with the assessment meeting tomorrow. At 4.55 we were just about to go out for dinner when my Dad's mobile phone rang. It was my brother who is currently doing Dad's role in his business, he had just taken a phone call from the person who was supposed to be here tomorrow saying "Sorry, no meeting tomorrow". At 4.55PM!!! After my parent's had got in a plane, then hired a car, then drove here from the airport,after they have arrived and having a coffee, message from him saying....

(Scream and shout)

(Big style)


So I went to the PDH today and they said that I was finished there for now. But someone is going to inject my right arm so when he can do that I will be back. And I managed not to say "Missing you already" as I left


I'm off in a bit to the Day Hospital for my physio....
And then come back here, meet with my Dad, then tomorrow we are meeting an assessor. And I think it is a leaving me short of cash assessor