Tuesday 7 July 2015

Went To See

So I was sitting outside while GGtGG was cutting grass when my neighbour, 2 doors to the left, was out. I thought "Tell her that joke" and was about to push myself in wheelchair round. I thought "No" stood up and walked round. When I spoke to her she invited me around to see her garden, I walked around the back of her house. And walked all the way home too


So we nipped to the surgery to see the Diabates Nurse who was quite positive about me but couldn't find the results of my blood test on 30th of last month so we nipped to the hospital and had more taken and we have instructions to just phone the nurse next Tuesday or Thursday to get the rest of my results, but she seemed positive already

Damn It Janet....

Then after lunch today I am off to see Janet the diabetes nurse who is gonna take the temp of my feet etc


Well we went to gym and I did various machines. Good lord but I am improving
On the bike I did a 30 second fast section instead of the previous 2 x 15 seconds, I did manage it now but I was too knackered to continue after I had done the second


And I was sat at t'kitchen table having a cup of tea with GGtGG, leaned forward to stand up, stopped, thought "No" and released my grip on table, stood up properly, no hands.
I've gotta practice as I can do it but it is still not filed in my "usual way" file yet