Saturday, 11 April 2015

Busy "Day Off"

Gorsh. So s'morning we met up with David & Nóra in town and went looking for benches. We couldn't find a nice one in either of the places we looked in Carmarthen (I know which one was best but still not that lovely) so then we decided to head off somewhere that hadn't been on he list. When D&N were waiting for me near M&S s'morning there had been a young chap running a stall selling various things, they enquired about benches and he directed then to his bosses company in Pembrey Industrial Estate. So after we went to M&S and bought some lunch type stuff we headed off to Pembrey. We got there, drove up the lane, thought "Where is it?", looked behing summat and went to look at the last option and there it was except it was closed. As he had told us to come along today they phoned him, he said "Sorry, at home for lunch, see you in 5" and showed up. I was impressed. He is very talented at working with wood and runs a small, successful business from what is effectively a large shed in the back of an industrial estate. I was double impressed reading some of the stuff about him, he is boss, his son D&N met s'morning is training to be a carpenter and all the rest of his staff are various less capable folk who have summat wrong but he is trying to help them

Anyway David bought a bench for me and arranged to pick it up from the chaps van in Carmarthen later, after nap and bath etc. So we did meet up later picked summat up, and we set off with the back seats folded down and D&N following in their car. Before they arrived Ed had taken it out of the boot and set it up