Tuesday 17 May 2011


Tonight some of the BLOG pages that disappeared in the past have come back so I need to post them to an old date IYSWIM


Then Freya came along and had her dinner amongst other things. I got a bit upset because I will be away while they go "We will pay you f. all" next week, when my daughter, who I have missed more than half her life, was supposed to be here
AND the dinner that me and Sarah made was nice but too dry, it needed fewer bread crumbs or some gravy or summat


Then Sarah the OT came along and we cooked together, Aubergine Parmigiana, which I haven't tasted but it looks good, to go in the oven when Freya arrives. There was loadsas hassle griddling the OrgyBeans it took ages, there is no way I would do that alone but there are other versions of the recipe which will be much quicker to cook. Can't wait 'til me and Freya try it later


I received a scary letter s'morning. Initially I thought "I'm not taking a taxi that far" but after speaking to members of my family they already knew, my Dad will meet me there and Denyse is going to arrange transport. Aargh and Ho Hum