Thursday 21 June 2018

No Na'an

And in Morrison's today they had no na'an bread again. Dunno, I bought the same substitute as last week (Garlic & Herb flatbread to share) but only one this week - I suspect one cut in half will be well manageable as opposed to the two I bought last week which just made a dinner that was too big, too much cheese etc etc


Then we popped to gym and tried to row faster. I failed but did a quick 3.25km
I was about 40 seconds from setting a record for time taken

Thursday Business

So first thing s'morning I had to pop to the Drs and say "The interweb wouldn't let me order a script" and then we had to make an appt so I can see a Dr and tell them why I still need my script.
Then popped to Iechyd Da and picked up a smaller than usual box of veg. My freezer is getting full of already cooked veg casserole so I bought less veg so we can eat loads of it this week
Then we popped to Morrisons and bought the rest of the shopping