Monday 27 June 2011


And after tea Paul came round and drove me to Swansea to the Folk Club and it was very impressive. I was more impressed with the Sat Nav function on my phone which I used on the way there, it was the first time I have ever seen one and wow


What a morning. First of all Jackie txted me to say "I understand why you cannae gizza lift, c u there" then I went to the shop with Ed. We shopped well sitting down, got everything we needed etc, then when we were at the back of the shop I stood up and walked off pushing my trolley. And this time my foot wasn't being as wrong, it seemed a bit more possible than a few weeks ago. And while we were at the shop it occurred to me that next week we will have to try Waverley Stores to try and buy more organic stuff. He said "Wanna go after here" but no, I need to try them out first then get the rest in Morrisons