Thursday, 28 April 2016


So we are out for the night at Caffi Iechyd Da
And it was excellent. Took loadsa photos but it is too late to transfer them now, manyana
It's done today

Sudden Hail

And suddenly tonight it was suddenly hailing really hard for about 3 minutes. The sky was blue 10 mins ago and it is slightly raining now

More Docs

And Timmy phoned the Dr s'morning and was told to phone back to speak to her tomorrow so we can find out why my armpits are still swelling


And Timmy came in s'morning and talked about the tiler coming in next week and moving the fridge, washing machine etc
Aargh, and I had just been to pick up my weeks veg and we won't be eating here much......


And we have a relatively busy day today, pick up veg, go shopping, go to gym, take tablet, go out to Iechyd Da tonight......
And we gave done all the morning stuff now. Part of the exercise at gym just wouldn't work but as she is coming here to see me tomorrow, the physio, perhaps we will have an update