Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Well, so tonight I felt the need to nip to Tesco's and bought more booze and a packet of Mint Flavoured Aero Bubbles

(from my phone)
They are quite nice but....
I am a bit unhappy with the Aero thingies, dunno why, it's hard to say, they are delicious but too...... summat 


So I did a webpage today and thought it hadn't written "Wave your cursor over pic" on the RHS. I looked, looked again and still didn't see it.
So obviously I need to move my head further

Only Gym

So having a new 'choose 2 from 4' gym classes this week, today I am having the only gym class that I have time for, doing important stuff all the other days
And I went along, said "Only time I will be able to come here this week" did my exercises, did 10 minutes cycling etc and came home