Tuesday 3 April 2012


And Denyse came to tell me that my sister has had a Cerebral Aneurysm and is now unconscious in intensive care in Scotland. My parents are there already, my brothers are following but I couldn't bear it being amongst so many sad relatives etc so I am not going.

Just sh*t, sh*t, sh*t


And we need to go back to t'GP today and try to find out why my left leg is swelling up, and get a repeat 'script for Diprobase
Change of plan, Denyse wants to come over to tell me summat "important" so GP will have to wait 'til tomorrow


So today we had to go to t'gym, it was as much fun as it normally is, I did loadsa exercises and could really tell how much better that it is making me

Good Again

And because my bowels were behaving again s'morning I walked to the kitchen, did my washing up, walked back into the living room, poured my coffee still on-foot, walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and had a pooh, all with no wheelchair