Friday 18 August 2017

Off Out

And we are popping out in a bit to fetch that Sturit chap and going out for a meal.
Which will be nice, he was one of my closest friends before my accident
Ooh, It was nice. So we had a starter, main course and pudding each, which was nice if a bit fattening

Cream, bottom

So "someone" recommended a cream to make my coccyx hurt less so Mark had the fun job of rubbing it on s'afternoon. Wait and see....

Better In Bed

And in bed s'afternoon I can lie on my right side again, for the first time in a week


So I had a class at gym s'afternoon and it wasn't as difficult and stressful as I thought. Apart from my go on the exercise bike. Oh I stayed on there for about 7 seconds before my coccyx was screaming


And night before last (IIRC) there was lightning happening during a rainshower

And Bad Jokes.
Three dead bodies turn up at a city mortuary all with very big smiles on
their faces. The Coroner thought he should inform the Police to tell them
what has happened. 'First body: Pierre Dubois, Millionaire French
Businessman, 60 years old, died of a heart attack while shagging his
20-year old porn star girlfriend. Hence the enormous smile said the Coroner
to the Police Inspector. 'Second body: Hamish McTavish, Scottish, 25 year
old, won £100,000 on the lottery. Spent it all on whisky and died of
alcohol poisoning, hence the smile.' The Inspector asked, 'What about the
third body?' 'Ah,' said the Coroner, 'this is a most unusual one. Paddy
Murphy, Irish, 30 years old, struck by lightning.' 'Why is he smiling
then?' said the Inspector. 'He thought someone was taking his picture.'

Chris Pollard

Sleep With It

And I slept with the night light on outside, it seems fine and not light disturbing. And when I switched on the bathroom light suddenly it was too bright for this and it switched off, temporarily