Sunday 3 June 2018

Fark - Photos

And tonight I started looking thru a bag of photos that Julia gave me a few days ago, they were mine, have been in her attic since my accident. Just GOOD LORD etc. I was able to look through about the first 10 photos and my memory came flooding back.
I need to look again and again, perhaps find a photo album to put some in etc


Then after lunch we had to drive almost back to the same place as I had forgotten to say "And Farmfoods when we were out s'morning. So first of all we popped into town for a walk about then went and bought more frozen chips. Not that we eat very many now, just once a week we have them

Obscure Stuff

So first of all we popped out to Morrisons as I had a couple of items on my shopping list for next week that weren't on my regular shopping list so I didn't know where to find them so it might stress me out trying to find them at the same time as my regular shop so we popped in and bought organic pasta and organic extra virgin olive oil.