Thursday 16 October 2014

Touch Screen

And it occurs to me tonight, touch screen, like I am doing now to type this on my iPad, much too modern for me to have ever done it before my accident


And this evening it was discussed and decided, we are going out to dinner tomorrow and then on Saturday night my mum is gonna cook for all of us here!!!

On Their Way

And I have just spoken to my parents, they are on their way to the airport in Belfast, flight in a couple of hours....
And they have landed in Cardiff.....
And them and Ian drove over and had a brew here. I persuaded them that I really couldn't be bothered cooking but as I promised not to have any ice cream for pudding that I needed to go to their hotel for dinner. So me and TinyTimmy (or TechnoTimmy) went out and had a very nice meal in good company

Gonna Cost Him

And after a discussion with Timmy I now know that Alex is gonna be liable for the excess on my car, so the insurance company will pay all but £75 which he is contractually obliged to let them take it out of his wages. I feel a bit bad about this but it will teach him, look everywhere, don't rely on beepy beeper devices to warn you