Wednesday 18 January 2012


And at the folk club tonight they ran out of whiskey macs and after 2 I had to go back round to drinking Guinness


So when I was having a look around in't shop earlier I saw a bargain box of dates. So I looked at 'em for a bit, thought "I used to like these but I haven't tasted any for nearly 9 years" but bought them to try.


How nice are dates?


Then Sarah the OT came round. First of all I went to Morrison's to practice walking behind my trolley and we realised/decided that every time I go shopping there I will walk pushing my trolley. I will at first be followed by someone pushing my wheelchair so I can rest periodically.

Then we talked about loadsa stuff, generally about practising more walking


So s'morning Timmy came in, we spent half an hour doing my homework for Sarah OT who is coming in thuisd afternoon then he took me to the dentist which wasn't too bad, I just had to see the hygienist today and she said that my teeth looked much better recently, suggested I spend longer flossing the back LHS and suggested I change the size of my flossers. Then we went to the shop, bought tooth care products then came home