Monday 18 August 2014

So Pleased

After having my bath it still makes me grin big style to be able to dry my right leg with my right hand


So we decided today that as the pool was so busy last week when we went swimming that I would just exercise in't gym. When we got there it was nearly empty.
In gym we tried to do exercises to wotk my upper arms as the BoTox that I had last week should be kickink in. On the lifting up exercise I was able to do 3 or 4 fully up with my right arm and TinyTimmy commented how he was having to help me lift it last time whereas he didn't help me at all today

More ebaying

Sorry, I have bought another two "witty" t shirts off ebay

Write Links From My Phone

And I am doing this so I can learn to do it from my phone too
That was all written from my phone, this is on my PC but that wasn't

Stories To My Phone

And I had a load of SciFi Short Stories that I downloaded onto my PC and I couldn't figure out how to get them onto my phone so I can listen away from PC. So Timmy came in today, said "You need to install......" and now it works, I transferred my 10 stories to my phone, it just worked
AND I transferred them wirelessly, didn't have to plug owt in, just pressed Transfer and it did

Slowly slowly catchy monkey

So s'morning I was walking with my 'stick in my right hand, thinking “This is so slow” but, as SmallPaul pointed out last night, it used to be really slow walking with my stick in the other hand too. Used to be