Monday 20 June 2016


Lordy, Wales are playing Russia tonight, 20 minutes into game and Wales are winning 2:0
Fark. 20 minutes to go and it is 3:0 for Wales
The best they have ever done. Ever

Clean Up

So I swept the kitchen floor tonight. I was holding the brush in my right hand and I swept the whole kitchen. All of it with my right hand. That is an improvement
And it hurt my wrist, was much more difficult than sweeping with my left hand but I managed

Baby Birds

And the nest by my front door I looked up today and saw (I think) 3 small heads cheeping for food off their Mummy and Daddy
I took a pic a couple of days later

Bladder Improvement

When we came out of the swimming pool today I went towards the disabled loo in the hall but someone was already in there. No panic, headed out to the car, drove home then had a pee. A couple of months ago I would have been forced to look for another loo etc

Damp Second Bit

Then today I go to the pool with my disabled swimming p/t teacher who works for me the rest of the week.
Well I went. Did it. Swam 8 lengths with flippers etc, swam 1 breadth on my back with nowt, swam back on my front with nowt and actually made a complete width, for the first time in gord nose how long. I did various exercises too then got out and got changed.
Actually it wasn't <whisper>too unpleasant</w> today

Luscious Start To The Day

So then LusciousLynda the Foot Fairy came and did her work on my toes
She made another appt for 6 weeks time


And I have won every game this month until yesterday. I failed yesterday and today