Thursday 21 May 2015


Then Freya came down later and was well cool. She ate that pasta and stuff that I had cooked and complimented me on it's loveliness

Odd Shop

So after fixing the internet me and Timmy nipped to Morrison's, then to Tesco's as they had run out there.... So t'other day Timmy was discussing my diet with Denyse and she was a but insistent "More protein" so we were looking for a selection of mini cheese treats which we did find in Tesco. So 2 mouthfuls and it's gone but I need it every day, apparently

Hectic Day

So today we have a technician coming to fix my 'chair, to put some "prevent it falling backwards" equipment.
Concurrently Timmy will be fitting the new wire on the internet, so it will be even faster...
 So the 'chair fixer arrived at 9 s'morning, fiddled about said "Nah" and arranged to try again next week