Thursday 14 June 2012


Good lord, what a strange day it has been. S'morning I got my phone back, then went to gyn, and ever since I have been trying to relearn my phone. It is so different than before (eg sending blog posts by email now) but currently I have relearned 50-60% of it

New method

So does this work, sending an email from my mob?

Sent from my Nokia phone
And it did work, so I can fill in Blogging if I am out and about. :)

Sent from my PC


Then we went to gym. We couldn't get upstairs because the lift was broken so we, in the end, had 3/4 of a session in the squash court. What fun it was again.
Afterwards we nipped over to check out the width of summat at my new bungalow


So first thing s'morning I received a txt then a phone call saying that my phone is back so (HOORAY) but I am getting used to all the updates etc. But it was fixed for free
Because I pay monthly insurance