Friday 14 July 2017

The Class

And I am going to the only class I goto every week at the gym today. It is called a "Stroke" class but it is for folk with similar ailments
Lordy. Well I have done it. It makes my brain hurt how much better I am week after week. Today I noticed, doing the step up and back down exercise I walked the long way round to be on the other side of the exercise machine so I could reach the handle with my left hand. The handle that I did not grip at all today, but I could if I needed to


And I heard Timmy and MM talking about the first aid course MM had to do yesterday. Their conversation passed over these, which made me well paranoid/scared but apparently it is just a standard first aid role play these days, not specific to me because...... I am not this poorly

Blueberry Crisis

So I opened the fridge and went to take them out but......."WHERE'S MY BLUEBERRIES?"
Then I realised, yesterday I was gonna put them in the fridge, I thought "That salad drawer, as I am cutting my own salad at lunchtime every day and eat all that I have cut, it's empty" so I stuck them in the left hand salad drawer