Monday 30 September 2013

In between

And in between the business me and Gareth completed The Guardian Quick Crossword again, completed


And we came back from hospital just as a chap was sitting in a van outside phoning the landlord and telling him we weren't in, he phoned back to say "No worries" and came in to fix the hot tap in the kitchen
What a performance he has had, whoever fitted it last made a mess of a job under the sink, I think it is good now
But as he has been here all afternoon I haven't been able to have a bath or a nap today. The bath I can do later but it's way too late to go to sleep now


Then we had to go to hospital to return the device that I have had attached to me for the past week, they will write to me and Denyse to tell us of any issues


Then Sara came round and was making me take one step forwards then another back then forwards again to really try to make my brain remember how to walk properly, not to one side etc. After an hour of it I was exhausted, she is coming to see me next Monday to keep up loadsa work 'til my FES is collected


So then s'morning the wheelchair fixer came back with the proper front wheels for my 'chair and fitted and tightened them in no time.
So hopefully it will last until I no longer need it....