Tuesday 11 October 2011

B,ITE (5)

Then me and Freya went off to "Where" she said, "A secret" I replied so in the end we got to where CCD, where we took turns driving a horse and cart. It was excellent fun for both of us

B,ITE (4)

Then Sarah the OT was waiting on my doorstep when we came back, so even tho I didn't even have time to eat lunch we cooked a (rather delicious) veg in a white sauce with grated cheese and breadcrumbs on top. Which was lovely by itself but relearning how to make white sauce with pasta bits (macaroni cheese) or cauliflower cheese etc

B,ITE (3)

And then I went to gym. Which again wasn't much fun but was doing me good. After gym when I was s'posed to be in the shower I had to stay smelly and cone back home to see my next visitor

B,ITE (2)

Then we went off and bought Toby a dongle so his laptop can recognise the interweb. When we dropped it off he said "No works" but we said "Leave it for a couple of hours and the last we heard he had got it working but was on his way out

Busyness, in the extreme (1)

First of all today Paul phoned on my behalf the folk who keep sending me the bill for £3.00 for the address hippyweb.me.uk. Because it turns out they still had me living in England so even tho my card details were right it said "No, he doesn't live here". Good lord, what a performance, so he ended up on the phone to a woman with an american accent who was saying "My PC doesn't recognise the address, is it....." and Paul was saying "No, it's too new an address for your PC to recognise it" then she was saying "So it's...." "No"

In the end he persuaded her to just type in what he was telling her, and she couldn't recognise his accent etc etc