Saturday 19 December 2015


And I asked Ed "Want roasted veg or casserole?" so he said "Casserole", I chopped up all the veg with my right hand and remembered all the ingredients tonight so it was actually a bit lovely

First Time In 12⅔ Years

So after bath today I went to put my jumper on. As usual (since my accident) I went to put my right arm in first. I thought "No, see if you can...." and put my left arm in first. I used to be stuck at this point and need to take if off and put my right arm in first as it wasn't flexible enough to reach/stretch. But today I just put my left arm in first and then put my right arm in. It was slightly more difficult than doing it t'other was round but only slightly. My right shoulder is so much better than it was last time I tried....


No, I don't think we should try The National Botanic Gardens today, it's f***ing raining