Thursday 4 September 2014


Then later my parents and my big brother arrived. It was nice, we had a chat then went to the hotel where they are staying and had a meal


So then Sara the Physio came round and said "Shall we go out?", I said no and explained what I wanted. So she said first exercise your Ham Strings so bendy bendy leg etc. Which was dull but it seems to be improving me so I shouldn't complain too loudly. But then she said "Where are your ankle weights?" Alex fetched them and promptly I was able to walk from one end of the room to another with no walking stick!! I feel it is just incredible, it is 13 years since I was able to do that, it is just a GETTING BETTER stage that I had no vision of ever being able to do, ever.


And as Denyse wasn't coming s'morning that meant there was less pressure on time so we went to Gym and did 3 loads exercises and 20 minutes on the bike, came back here and had an early lunch and then waiting for Sara Physio to come. She did phone me s'morning and said "Shall we go to The Botanic Gardens and practice walking?" but I had to say "No, that's Saturdays option" so.....

Bitter Tears

And Denyse has just emailed me to say that she won't be able to Skype me later so she will txt me when she is available. I am trying not to cry too loudly because one knows that whatever gets in her way will probably be really important to one of her other clients so.....