Monday 11 November 2013

Wake Up Time

And I got rather confused looking at my clock today, trying to decide whether to be woken up at 4pm or 8 am. I was a bit (really) confused until I realised that my alarm clock goes off every morning and my alarm is timed separately from that

New Born

Just been watching the news and after worst typhoon in memory in Phillipines there was a woman who had just given birth. A baby and nothing to look after it with

Nowt On

And there is nowt on s'morning, I am waiting for the wheelchair fixer to come and fix my chair
And he came and said "It's broken?", checked that what we had said on the phone was correct, and said "Right, I'll order the parts..."
Then we nipped out and visited more estate agents in Carmarthen that we had missed last time. I think I am on all of their bungalow lists now