Wednesday 26 January 2011


And I cooked a curry today from the veg I had bought on Monday and water and oil etc. When I went to lift it I had to put about 1/3 of it in a box for the freezer, I thought "Where has it all gone, why is it so little?". Then it occurred to me, "Ahhh, you forgot to put any lentils in, no wonder it's small, and no wonder I was worried that it was 'too runny' for ages"


I phoned Dial-A-Ride yesterday, booked transport from my flat to the supermarket next Monday. They phoned today said "No can do, later?" I talked some more and the Dial-A-Ride bus is booked to come here at 10 to 11 next Monday and take me to't supermarket. Taxi back, but "free" journey there


And this afternoon I printed out loads of bits of paper with my name, address, phone numbers, email and web addresses to give to people that I remember from the Tai Chi class tomorrow

Nowt To Do

So now I have no "extra" stuff to do, nowhere to go etc.

But I was reminded it's Tai Chi once more tomorrow followed by a late trip to the folk club, it's monthly night is tomorrow