Friday 21 March 2014


And I cooked 4 pizzas and a big pan of oven chips for all of us. And it was yummy

My Memory Is Improving

And today we were walking through town and my Mum said "Ah, that hardware shop it has closed, bother". I was thinking about it later in Belfast, 200 yds from the street we lived in was a shop, dunno if it is open, but I remembered the name and I haven't seen the shop for 20 years

Off Out

So we are off in a bit to my actual class @ gym, with my parents to spectate
And it went well.
And as I went on 2 or 3 women expressed astonishment at what I can do now that I couldn't do a few weeks ago, and as my parents haven't been to a gym class in over a year they were astonished


Then after my parents had a cuppa we went off shopping in Aardvark. I got a fair amount but forgot eggs <shrug>. My mother bought 3 jars of welsh honey, which she bought last year and thought "Mmmmm". Then she paid for my shopping too
And when we were going too the shop there was rain and hail stones falling from the sky, by the time we parked the car the rain had stopped and by the time we came back out of Aardvark there wasn't a cloud in the sky, 100% blue