Thursday 30 October 2014


Wow. That was the fullest Iechyd Da I have ever seen, loads of folk, we had to sit by the door but we did get a good view
And I did meet the new owner, dunno what she will expect next month but....

Late Gym

And because we were busy today we had a late (5.30pm) going to the gym session. Which was fine but the exercise machines were full of after workers but we did get on a cycling machine and did an extra 5 mins rather than fighting for other machines


Oh, I am a bit excited. We are gonna have dinner in Iechyd Da, the folk club night in Carmarthen, the place that only had a buyer last week so this won't be the last time I can go.
Well hopefully they will keep doing folk nights anyway...

Fixing It

So s'morning my and Timmy went to B&Q to buy another socket for the kitchen, then Timmy impressed me by taking a screwdriver to the old one and swapping them over. So while he had his electrical head on I showed him the wonky light switch in the kitchen.