Monday 8 August 2011


And I said to a MOS who was just about to get in her car tonight "So, is it OK for me to knip out for 5 minutes and leave the light on. So does the globe warm up faster if I waste products by leaving it on of does it shorten their life more this switching on and off?". She said "You have got those lo energy bulbs, leave it on if you want"

Staying In

And we talked about going to the about 70 minutes in the car away Folk Club and not being able to drink much while we were there

Shh Neil

So twice tonight I have typed a reply to an Ixion post, been about to send it and just suddenly thought "Naaa, shh"

A Little Tum-ish....

So, well what a day. 1st of all it was Paul on duty as someone is away, and he couldn't get here 'til about 1PM, then he took me to Morrison's where we had to but almost nothing. Oh And a bottle of full strength red wine after I was so upset by last weeks. Not that I know when I get round to trying it. So far I haven't had a drink for about 5 days. Why not? Dunno, I was getting a bit bored with getting "drunk" every night for ever and then.... dunno, no big event or owt, I just didn't want one

(More) Tum Ti Tum

So today I am awaiting, Paul is coming here to take me shopping then take me to The Folk Club later :)