Wednesday 20 October 2010

Cash 2

So my extra money that was supposed to be paid into my account yesterday hadn't shown up. According to my sister they tried to pay it into someone elses account and it bounced. We gave them all my details and they f*c*ed it up

Veggie Burgers

So I walked into the kitchen to try and make veggie burgers for dinner but it all went wonky and had to be thrown away.


So when my sister was here t'other day I said "Please can't you be my "boss" any more and give me control of my own cash, once I get some from the court, please?". She said "Nah, I might be in charge on paper, but actually the court and various social workers are in charge of your cash"


Well I got up this morning at 7.30AM, got dressed etc and walked into the kitchen to make my breakfast.
Still walking at 11.30AM now...
And I walked into the kitchen and made my own lunch...
3.45PM, still walking...
5.25PM still on my own two feet...
It's after 6PM now, I walked into the kitchen, made my dinner, walked back, ate it and then did the washing up etc on my own 3 feet.
Now I need to wheel' in order to put out my bins etc which I can't walk there and back up the hill while carrying summat