Sunday 12 March 2017

Being Nagged

After Sara The Physio (I think) was nagging me a few weeks ago I have been practicing standing straight up, not doing it to one foot forward and one half the way back which I had to do since I learned to stand up again.
Yes, it is much more difficult but practice makes it easier. I need to move my bum slightly forward in my chair but then I can do it with no hands holding on etc, it is much more like a normal standing up action

Rest Of Red Stuff

And for dinner tonight we had the remains of the red stuff we had with pasta last night with baked potatoes tonight and it was even nicer.
Yum yum but it is all gone now


And we popped into town today, parked a bit along King St, walked along, off the end to the old town hall, walked all the way down there, across and back up past Caffi Iechyd Da back up to King St and the car. It was relatively long but easier than last time I tried