Wednesday, 28 December 2011


And an excellent time was had s'evening at Llanelli Folk Club, which now can sell Whiskey Macs


Today I tried to spend sum cash on my visa card and it wouldn't. So we paid cash, went out of the shop and tried my card in a hole in the wall to get the balance. It ate it. THEN we went into Lloyds Branch and she said, dunno why it wouldn't work, so she cancelled it and ordered me a new one, which has to be sent to my sisters address as she is in charge then the next day they send new PIN no. so hopefully within a few..... it's Christmas and new year....within a few weeks I shall be able to spend again. She tried it and my cash point card still works so at least some cash can be mine

Done It Up

And this morning I managed to get my right boot on properly, didn't need to take it off and a MOS undo it and try again but the laces, doing them up, proved much too difficult

& At 'Em

This morning I woke up about 8.00 thought "Not yet" rolled over and fell back to sleep, didn't wake up 'til 11ish