Friday, 24 June 2016


So tonight I tried one of the packets of snacks that aren't as fattening as you would think and are better for you on so many levels, according to MM anyway. They were nice and I felt reallly full afterwards, more filling that my usual sneaky evening eats

Busy Few Days

And Sara contacted me today and said "Can I come see you on Tuesday next week instead?" which I said "Yes" to but it means I am gonna have a very busy few days

What Card Is It?

With all the other cards visible what is that one at the top of the second row?

And We're Off

Then s'morning I have to go to my Doctors for another jab
Then s'afternoon to gym for a class etc
So first of all we went and got my jab. Golly it is so much easier these days. Park car, walk into Drs, sit down, stand up and walk into treatment room, bend over, take injection, walk out of room, walk out of Drs. It used to be get wheelchair out of car.......
Then when we were on the way back from that MM said "No gym class today" which I had forgotten so we went straight there and got stuck into various machines before lunch 

Loadsa Point Voting

Hooray after all our hassle to vote yesterday it turns out that a narrow majority of folk disagreed with me and "we" lost