Friday 10 February 2012

Writing With My Right Hand

And I did a bit of practice this morning of writing with my right hand. My hand moves into the writing shape much easier than in has in the past but the problem is moving my hand to write the next letter. This is really difficult. So if I had some kind of scroll that moves every time I write a letter I could write by hand


And as I have mess on the front of my body warmer because if I am wearing it when I brush my teth when I spit some of it goes where I can't stretch onto my body warmer so today I bought a funnel so hopefully I can spit away from myself and rinse it out so it doesn't become smelly


Then this afternoon we went to Waverley stores and bought some health food etc.
Then we went to Morrison's and bought half of Mondays shop so it will be easier/quicker Monday


Then this afternoon Toby came up and borrowed some pocket money off me as he is entertaining a very foxy chick, so....


Then s'morning we went to CCC leisure center and had a swim. Hoo-f**king-ray but it does me some good so....


And this morning we wrote down details of my trip to pedal poweer next week, we are gonna make a day of it shopping in Cardiff etc


And actually with my new flower I can smell it. It doesn't smell as strong to me as it does to visitors but if I put my nose next to it it is smelly